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Funding Sources

IMCES is a private non-profit organization. Funding sources include:

  • Private

  • Contract for Services


IMCES developed many programs aligned with the mission of the organization and the needs of the community. These programs were designed based on the shared mission of Los Angeles county department of social services, mental health and children and family services. Our program was awarded and contracted by the following organizations with local, state, and federal funds:

Department of

Public Social Services


DPSS is one of 36 County departments and serves over 10 million residents in a county larger in population than 42 states, encompassing 88 cities. DPSS is the second largest County department in Los Angeles County and the largest social service agency in the United States.

DPSS has an annual budget of over $3.9 billion and provides services to one out of every three residents in Los Angeles County. DPSS has a workforce of nearly 14,000 employees with the capacity to serve residents in 19 languages at more than 40 offices throughout Los Angeles County.

Department of

Children and Family Services (DCFS)

DCFS practices a uniform service delivery model that measurably improves:

  • Child Safety

  • Permanency

  • Access to effective and caring service

The six goals for
Los Angeles County Department of Children
and Family
Services are:

  • Improved Child Safety

  • Decreased Timelines to Permanence

  • Reduced Reliance on
    Out-of-Home Care

  • Self-Sufficiency

  • Increased Child and Family Well-Being

  • Enhanced Organizational Excellence

Department of

Mental Health


DMH with a budget of approximately $2.4 billion is the largest county-operated mental health department in the United States directly operating programs in more than 85 sites and providing services through contract programs and DMH staff at approximately 300 sites
co-located with other County departments, schools, courts and various organizations. Each year, the County contracts with close to 1,000 organizations and individual practitioners to provide a variety of mental health-related services. On average,
more than 250,000 County residents of all ages are served every year.

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